Contemporary Abstracts and Landscapes
March 31 - May 2, 2021
District Arts 15 N. Market St.
Frederick, MD 21701
Equally comfortable performing at the keyboard with her jazz trio as she is behind the easel with brush and canvas, Jenny Wilson has flourishing careers in both music and visual arts.
Of her paintings, Jenny says, they “are best described as contemporary landscape or contemporary abstract. Passion for color and texture is what excites me about painting. I am informed by my musical knowledge; gradations of tone color, balance, tension, and release, and rhythm all play into how I compose a painting. Painting allows me to stop time, to make choices in slow motion, and to experience the art of composing in a whole new way.
“I try to incorporate marks that allude to the structure of the piece and that give some architecture to the image. Layering paint is also important to my process. I will activate the blank canvas with bold strokes that give me a structure to play upon. I often view painting as music unwinding itself and coming to a visual conclusion.”
“Naturally Abstract” features both landscapes and abstracts though the line between them is often blurred. With careful use of color and form, Wilson evokes the natural world in ways that challenge perception.
Wilson has developed creative arts programs for the city parks in Morgantown, West Virginia. She has received awards in national and regional juried shows and has paintings in corporate headquarters as well as many private collections.
Jenny has earned a Master of Music Degree at West Virginia University. Her group, the Jenny Wilson Trio, can be heard in many varied venues in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Properly worn masks and social distancing required. We will limit gallery occupancy to no more than 10 visitors at a time.