Above: Photos from opening reception held on July 7, 2023. (Click on play button and adjust volume)
"What Do You See When You Look At Me?"
Located at the historic Glen Echo Park's Popcorn Gallery in Glen Echo, MD, the exhibit is comprised of self portraits by WCADC members from Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland.
Self-portraits have been used to exhibit the beauty of life; tell a story of a particular place and time; and shed light on political, social, and ecological issues. Our social media screens are filled with selfies, the contemporary self-portrait. Some would say these self-portraits are our self-indulgent need for affirmation and acceptance. And after all of our posing, does the viewer really see what we want them to see?
Featured Artists
Tronja Anglero, Kanchan Balsé, Prudence Bonds, Sara Caporaletti, Barbara Joann Combs, Marilyn Gates-Davis, Madeleine Greenwald, Kara Holman, Ellen Maidman-Tanner, Delia Mychajluk, Erica Orgen, Suzanne Papiewski, Linda Plaisted, Reshada Pullen-Jireh, Pauline Siple, Lynda Slayen, Harriet Smith, and Carter Wynne.
Fabiola R. Delgado
Popcorn Gallery
Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Blvd.
Glen Echo, MD 20812
Popcorn Gallery Hours
Saturdays & Sundays, 12 pm – 6 pm